BusinessSeek.biz_Spider Search Engine
User help and information on the BusinessSeek.biz_Spider search engine crawler.
The BusinessSeek.biz_Spider is a meta search engine for business. Ensure your Title and Description meta tags are complete for successful entry.
What Meta Tags Are Indexed?
- Title
- Description
- Keywords
Maximum Characters
- Title - 60 characters
- Description - 275 characters
- Keywords - 100 characters
Allow BusinessSeek.biz_Spider
To allow BusinessSeek.biz_Spider to index your site add the following code to your robots.txt file. You only need to add this code to your robots.txt file if you disallow all search engine crawlers, otherwise it's not necessary.
User-agent: BusinessSeek.biz_Spider
Disallow BusinessSeek.biz_Spider
To disallow BusinessSeek.biz_Spider from indexing your site add the following code to your robots.txt file.
User-agent: BusinessSeek.biz_Spider
Disallow: /
Directory Submit URL
Add your website to the Business Directory.