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Super Charge Your Salon

Super Charge Your Salon

For Salon Owners by Experienced Salon Owners

Louanne Grasmeder   

The Truth About Effective Salon Marketing!

The majority in the beauty professions are wrong about the most- if not all- of their beliefs about how to be successful in salons.

That's a difficult truth to wrap your head around, but this fact doesn't lie – 95%of them earn a great deal less than 5% do. Only about 1% become rich through their salons- compared with at least 20% , 40% to 50% who barely eke out a living or fail. Overall, these stats never change- recessions or booms, new technology breakthroughs or not. A lot of salon owner still wants “get their name out there” or I call it “Looking good going nowhere” and literally throwing money down the drain.

Don't despair; because I have been there, in fact I'm sure I have made every mistake in the book. I've learn't it the hard way.. With many years of owning and running spas and salons I had to test and measure everything! I couldn't afford not to. So here are 5 super tips I want to give salon owners to start doing today.

  1. Collect testimonials from their clients.
  2. Find out who hasn't been your salon in the last 3 months and contact them again with a compelling offer they can't refuse. (Because it's cheaper to market to your current clients then to find new ones)
  3. If they don't respond to that offer send out another mail out and repeat it twice. (most salons give up on the first mail out) Make sure your envelope doesn't look like a bill or junk mail and make it personal.
  4. Give something away! A bonus offer, a free gift, something! FREE is one of the sexiest words in marketing. I know salon owners say “I hate free things” Remember: you are not your client and just think who loves the word FREE. Fat loves free, thin loves FREE, kids love FREE, men love FREE, Women Love FREE.
  5. Up sell and cross sell at every opportunity!

FREE one on one consultations valued at $250 email me today! Obligation FREE


About The Author

Super Charge Your Salon

Louanne is a author and speaker, previously owned and operated salons now helps salon owners make more money.

Five Foot High Blog

Tel: 1300623993

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