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Getting Off The Couch

Getting Off The Couch

Why not touch the remote and turn off all the bad health habits in your life. Read how to kick yourself off the couch and into the gym.

Cade Lennox 

There is a mythical creature that lies hidden somewhere where you are reclined. The creature casts a spell on you, forcing you to lay there and watch yet another episode.

Some argue that such a creature exists and others argue that that is just a bunch of gibberish. You probably do not believe that but yet you are wondering why do you hover around the couch so much.

The truth has little to do with the couch or the television. It has everything to do with YOU.

You are the person that is sitting down reading this. You are the one who makes all the difference.

Fortunately experts have taken the time to examine your situation and have come up with things you can do to get off that couch and into the gym. In the back of your mind somewhere you had once had hope of going to a gym and becoming a health nut.

This reality can still be achieved. Although it is not easy, this does not in the slightest suggest that once achieved it will not be worth it.

Just the opposite is true. Fathoming the fact that you could actually feel just as good about exercising as you do sitting there stir-frying your brain, is possible.

Think about a few of these expert advice tips which will help you form a habit and turn a couch slouch, into a thin Ben- or Jen. The most important tip you need just to begin is more than motivation, it is doing it.

The word motivation has obviously not worked for you since you are reading this, and do not worry, everyone has had to deal with the mythical couch creature before. Like the phrase goes, Just Do It.

Going out and starting is the essence of what is holding you back. Do not set a date goal, within the next twenty four hours, get up and go to the gym... no exceptions.

That is the first key to getting off the couch. Once your up and in there, you know you can do it.

The following step is to be consistent. Charles Magoo weighed three hundred and twenty three pounds and decided that enough was enough.

He began walking and remained consistent through the months. The result was a loss of two hundred and four pounds.

Charles continued walking and eventually started running. At forty six years of age he changed his life around and he gives credit to the fact that he was consistent.

Experts say that they have proven that twenty one days makes a habit. Do not aim to start a workout plan in twenty one days however.

You want to set a workout goal of a lifetime. This requires a very large change of heart.

Do not just be consistent, but set a routine. You have a choice between strength training, interval training, and cardiovascular exercises.

Last but not least in your getting up and out the door, take a friend with you to the gym!


About The Author

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Cade Lennox is a health and fitness expert who writes treadmill reviews and other exercise articles as well as articles about diets, nutrition and other health related topics.

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