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Brain Exercises: The Practical Problem Game

Brain Exercises: The Practical Problem Game

Brain exercise is just as important as physical exercise. Read about a game that you can play that will reduce your stress, solve lifes problems and exercise your brain.

Cade Lennox 

Your brain is just as important as the rest of your body. Do not neglect it or you will get old and gray and think of life as just a dull bowl of vegetables.

If you want life to be like a bowl of vegetables when you are older, than you are in luck. If your like most, when your are older you will want life to be vibrant and spectacular.

Your brain needs you to work it, and brain games are the perfect way to do it. With this game however you will find that you can solve all your life's problems while having fun.

That is why it is called the Practical Problem Game. This game will take your problems and turn them into solutions.

You will find as time goes on that you get better and better at solving problems. Problem solving is a skill that you will want when you have to sort out the medicines that you take.

If you are a creative thinker you will find that you will really enjoy this game more than most. Even if you are not a creative thinker you will still find an incredible boost in your brain power and your creative abilities.

So to begin this game find a pen and a couple of sheet of paper, or a pad of post its. Once you have found these items, find a chair and a table or something hard to write on.

Now once you are sitting down you are at the easy part. Reflect for a moment about life.

Do not just think about life, but reflect upon it. Somewhere in your brain there is a large gate which holds behind it all of life's challenges and problems.

Reflect about all the struggles and challenges your face day to day. Think about events or problems that cause you delay.

Think about the goals you want to accomplish. Do you want to be healthy? do you want to get home at a certain time?

You will find that a huge list of problems begin to get scribbled on your paper. Now that you have done this, focus on just a few things.

Perhaps it would be a good Idea to just choose the things which are your greatest priority.

With these things take about ten minutes and write down all the possible solutions to your problem. The solutions that you come up with can be what comes to mind.

This game is some what of a free for all. But take the time to pick the best solutions to your problems.

Through this process you could perhaps come up with an invention or a solution that you would have never come up with before. With your paper sketch out the next greatest idea.

Many great inventions were created through this process. The post it is just one of them.

This brain exercise not only gets your brain functioning but it also allows you relieve stress from all the problems that you face on a daily basis.


About The Author

Rebounder Reviews

Cade Lennox is a health and fitness expert. He has written hundreds of articles about diet, exercise, and rebounder reviews.

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Brain Exercises: The Practical Problem Game

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