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Flashy Electronics Spell Trouble For Sleep

Flashy Electronics Spell Trouble For Sleep

Getting to sleep is often made even more difficult with poor sleeping habits. Take the time to learn about the importance of getting to bed and how you can get a better nights rest.

Cade Lennox 

Surprisingly ninety five out of a hundred people on average report having used some kind of electronic device before going to bed. These electronic devices include television, video games and cell phones.

According to many studies these devices can negatively impact the quality of sleep that you get. The reason behind this is because light effects a certain chemical in your brain responsible for promoting sleep, melatonin.

Melatonin is secreted in the blood which gets you on the right track for getting a good nights rest. When you use electronic devices that emit light, the light sends signals to the brain which withhold the secretion of melatonin.

Problems are made worse when about two thirds of Americans have a tendency to watch television every night before they go to bed. A popular habit among many Americans as well, is the use of laptops, computers and of course smart phones before bed time.

The Internet and texting are both two things which both reportedly used before bed time. Many find them selves waking up at the receiveing of a call, text message or e-mail.

Turning off your cell phone at night can usually help with that problem.

These habits are collectively making it difficult for many to get to bed when they should so that they can get enough sleep at night. Many risk facing tragic consequences when they do not get enough sleep.

The percentage of those involved in car wrecks are partially due to sleep deprivation, if not entirely. Each year more than one thousand five hundred deaths are directly related to sleep deprivation.

Sleep is connected to everything that people do. Learning, socializing and health are all effected by sleep.

When people stay awake when they should be sleeping, the activities that they are involved in are usually motionless. Instead of exercise or good sleep, they sacrifice their health while suffering from sleep deprivation.

Furthermore, not getting enough sleep can result in weight problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and even heart attacks.

Thus the importance of getting a good nights rest cannot be overemphasised.

Consider these tips on how to go to sleep and stay asleep:

Give your self a set schedule for sleep. Make your self on perhaps a sheet of paper a set schedule that you can always follow on when you need to go to sleep.

Use electronic devices early in the morning and avoid them at night. Remember that light decreases the secretion of melatonin which helps you get to bed and get a good nights rest.

Get exercise during the day. Exercise makes staying up a lot harder and makes going to bed a lot easier.

Go to sleep in a cool, distraction free environment. Set up the perfect bedroom so that you can get a deep nights rest.

Do not eat large meals before you go to bed. This of course makes the body work and causes it not to enter in as deep of a sleep state.


About The Author

Baby Crib Mattress

Cade Lennox is a health and fitness expert who writes treadmill reviews and other exercise articles as well as articles about diets, nutrition and other health related topics.

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Flashy Electronics Spell Trouble For Sleep

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