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Never Fall Alseep Behind the Wheel

Never Fall Alseep Behind the Wheel

A big no-no in the big circle of life is falling asleep behind the wheel when you are driving. Not doing it, of course, will keep you alive.

Cade Lennox 

Uh oh, your strapped in side of a missile that is going at eighty miles an hour toward a dark future. You are flying fast and the only way to survive is to use a dinky leather stitched wheel in front of you.

What would you do in this situation? Of course you would steer the missile for as long as you could until you find a big lake to crash land in.

Obviously you would never be found in this situation, unless perhaps, you were driving. When you are driving your car is like a missile.

It is like a ballistic missile because just like a ballistic missile, you are a chunk of medal loaded with fuel that could potentially crash and be lethal. What you decide to do with your steering wheel can decide the fate of many, yourself included.

Falling a sleep behind the wheel is like falling asleep behind the control panel of a missile. If you cannot control a missile, you are in trouble.

There are many factors which can cause one to get a little sleepy behind the wheel. To name a few, sleep deprivation, sleeping disorders, using drugs and alcohol, and even medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Thus, there are many things which can cause you to fall asleep behind the wheel and put you into a lot of trouble. As you live life, you should take a few minutes to note which of those things do you use in your life.

What could potentially cause you to fall asleep behind the wheel. Keep your answer to yourself and think now about what you can do better to avoid tragedy.

Many probably picked the factor of sleep deprivation. Of course we all know what it feel like to be sleep deprived.

This is unfortunately the most common factor in accidents which are related to falling asleep behind the wheel. As you took the time to think about what you do in your life to cause a factor such as sleep deprivation, your list probably included a few traps that even the best drivers occasionally fall into.

Namely staying up to late, or staying up at night at friends house and then driving home late. For others it might be staying up late to cram for an exam.

Others have vices and habits such as watching television or reading a good novel. You should now take the time to think about some solutions to the little traps that you fall into.

As you think about some solutions, consider some of these. Cinderella could not stay at the ball late or else she would turn into a pumpkin.

You may not think about it but if you stay up late your brain will turn into a pumpkin, you will not be able to remember even half of what you did. Your brain needs a break from you just as much as you need a break from your work.

A solution would then be to get to bed early. Another solution could be getting up earlier-- while of course going to bed earlier.

If you get up earlier you will find that you are able to do more in your day. If you get friends to get up early with you, you will find that it can be more fun that just junking out at night time.


About The Author

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Cade Lennox is a health and fitness expert. He has written hundreds of articles about a variety of topics, including exercise, gardening, and sleep.

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Never Fall Alseep Behind the Wheel

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