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The Best Health Tips Ever

The Best Health Tips Ever

Make sure that you know what is best for you. An apple a day, and a frequent visit to the doctor will keep the diseases away.

Cade Lennox 

First tip you should be berry excited about. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries have nutrients known as anthocyanidins.

Anthocyanidins are antioxidants which potent--in a good way. Blue berries are about as good at grapes when it comes to getting Resveratrol.

Resveratrol is yet another antioxidant which is believed to help against heart disease and cancer.

Please pass the curry, and the chillies and the cayenne pepper. If you like these foods, then you may or may not be one who enjoys the rush of endorphins which come from eating them.

Endorphins work like narcotics, only they are one hundred percent safe and natural to your body. You experience the most endorphins when you feel a high after a good hard workout.

Even so be careful not to junk out on certain foods as this can out way any positive effect.

Some say tomato and other say the same thing just in a different sound. This plant has powerful capabilities to fight cancer.

They contain about as much vitamin C to teach your kids the letter C. They are just as good cooked in pasta, soup or casseroles.

Some studies show that tomatoes reduce your risk of asthma or other chronic lung diseases. They are loaded with antioxidants.

Vitamin C is for cool, cool because it keeps all of your organs healthy. Vitamin C cannot be injected into your blood stream directly, but eating food that are rich in it is practically the same thing.

Eating all the fruits and vegetable you can will allow you to get what you need.

Vitamin A is for awesome, why? Because this vitamin will boost your immune system. It even helps you heal and recover from all sorts of things.

Could you please pass the pure water, not that tap stuff. Pure water is the best way to get hydrated.

Stretching is healthy for you. When you stretch your muscles are able to release all sorts of junk that would otherwise hang in there.

Everything you do effects your health, if you are at the gym make sure that you do a lot of everything. Soon enough you will build strength and you will have a healthy body.

Avoid drugs and alcohol so that you do not become a statistic. It kills to do those things.

A doctor a day, or as often as you can keeps the health problems away. Depending on your age you may be suggested or directed to special check ups.

This would probably be the best health tip to follow. Regular check ups will ensure that you do not get left behind in the fight against diseases or any health related problem.

Diseases such as cancer and diabetes are best treated when they are young in their attack.

Doctors also give the best health advice than even the Internet. A doctor will know what is best for your body.

There are many things health opinions that you should follow so remember, never get discouraged. May you live to be one hundred.


About The Author


Cade Lennox is a health and fitness expert who writes treadmill reviews and other exercise articles as well as articles about diets, nutrition and other health related topics.

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