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Reincarnation Beliefs In Eckankar

Reincarnation Beliefs In Eckankar

A Journey of Soul

Eckankar Canada New

Reincarnation as central pillar in ECKANKAR is fundamental to understanding karma, spiritual growth, and the meaning of spirituality Itself. In ECKANKAR we learn to experience ourselves as Soul, a being that moves from lifetime to lifetime in search of truth. The purpose of reincarnation is to learn that Soul is a spiritual being and is loved by God unconditionally. We come to realize God as a real presence in our lives.

The Soul's Eternal Journey

​Reincarnation is therefore not seen merely as a series of physical lifetimes but as ongoing opportunities for Soul to gain experience, learn lessons, and gradually move closer to realizing its Divine nature. The ultimate goal is freedom from the need for lifetime after lifetime, birth and re-birth. Reincarnation is a spiritual process of growing which we learn to step beyond. The ultimate goal is spiritual freedom.

Karma and Spiritual Growth

Karma is at the heart of reincarnation; it determines the need and type of life we will lead in the future and those we have led in the past. Karma provides the checks and balances for spiritual growth and is God’s plan for Soul to grow spiritually, find spiritual freedom and inner peace through its own choices. It leads us upward ultimately to God’s love.

Learning Through Lifetimes

Each lifetime offers unique lessons and opportunities for spiritual growth. What we create in our daily lives, our actions, even our thoughts, returns to us as karma which fashions the lives we lead. Challenges and hardships are not punishments but opportunities for Soul to develop spiritually, to live a life of inner peace and intuition. Our lives become an individual path where we follow our own unique experiences guided by God because God is real.

Dreams, Soul Travel, and Past Life Memories

ECKANKAR emphasizes the importance of dreams, Soul Travel, and the recognition of past life recalls as tools for understanding our spiritual nature and the lessons we need to learn. These experiences can provide insights into our karmic patterns and help us to make more spiritually informed choices in our lives.

The Guidance of the Mahanta

The spiritual leader in ECKANKAR is the Mahanta. He is a guide who helps each Soul take the middle path of understanding, through karma and reincarnation. The Mahanta offers guidance both in this physical world and the inner spiritual planes and that guidance includes the meaning of our dreams. Intuition also plays a large part in assisting individuals to hear the voice of the Mahanta and God and to understand their past and present lives, their truths and opportunities for spiritual growth.

Liberation and Spiritual Freedom

The ultimate aim of understanding and working through reincarnation in ECKANKAR is to achieve spiritual liberation. This is a state of consciousness where Soul becomes fully aware of its Divine nature and transcends the cycle of birth and death, achieving spiritual freedom.


ECKANKAR understands reincarnation as a deeply meaningful aspect of Soul's eternal journey. By embracing the lessons of past lives and the guidance of the Mahanta today, followers of ECKANKAR live more consciously and spiritually connected to God’s love, wisdom and inner guidance. This spiritual understanding moves us closer to inner peace and an understanding of our Divine nature.


About The Website

Reincarnation Beliefs

Eckankar is a spiritual path that emphasizes direct personal experiences of the divine, known as the "Light and Sound of God." In Canada, Eckankar offers workshops, classes, and services to help individuals deepen their spirituality.

Eckankar Canada

Eckankar is a spiritual path that emphasizes direct personal experiences of the divine, known as the "Light and Sound of God." In Canada, Eckankar offers workshops, classes, and services to help individuals deepen their spirituality.

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