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Intellectsoft |
Full service software development company in the United Kingdom. Mobile app development and custom software solutions that will power up your business.
Details | | - Online PC Remote Support Software Updated
Remote support software to remotely support end-users over the internet through firewalls. Provide desktop sharing pc remote support via online access to multiple pc simultaneously. There's no software to install and configure or hardware to purchase
Details A2K Technologies
An Autodesk reseller, A2K has a variety of products available for every industries' design, construction and manufacture needs. They offer high quality software products including Autodesk Building Design Suite - Premium and Revit Autodesk.
Details Adobe Systems Incorporated
Designs, develops and markets systems and application software which enables users to work with professional creative tools, assemble illustrations, images and text into fully formatted documents, output documents directly to printing devices.
Details Advanced Analytics Group, LLC Updated
Auguri is an integrated, general purpose data exploration, analysis and forecasting tool with emphasis on nonlinear methods. It provides tools for the manipulation and analysis of data throughout the process of predictive data mining.
Details Ant Commander
A fully configurable file manager. Several file systems are suported: file, zip, ftp, webdav, etc. Several kinds of panels are available: directory table; directory tree, text editor, image viewer, html viewer and command line.
Details Application Availability Monitoring
Improve application availability and application performance of your system. Tevron offers APM solutions and active monitoring tools for IT enterprises. Solutions for Citrix monitoring and load testing applications.
Details Astoundit Software
Mac OS X and Windows software for home and business users.
Details Auto Kitchen - The Kitchen Design Software
Kitchen design software that includes autocad technology, powerful and easy to use. Microcad Software is a privately held company with offices in Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA, Hertfordshire, London, UK.
Details Avendata
Do you have a future requirement to archive a system due to a company acquisition? With our ViewBox archiving solution, you are well prepared and can sit back and relax while we archive your data from the legacy system for you.
Details Barracuda - Embedded Web Server
A real-time embedded Web server designed for high quality industrial applications in need of real time update of the user interface. Barracuda eliminates HTTP polling and awkward solutions such as using SMTP for sending asynchronous alarm notifications.
Details BMC Software
Is a leading provider of ebusiness systems management software with the fastest guaranteed implementation. Companies achieve greater availability, performance and recoverability of their business-critical applications with our solutions.
Details Bookmark Base - Bookmark Manager Tool
Portable base of your bookmarks. You can store all of them in one place, edit, synchronize and deploy to any other PC and browser. Don't waste your Internet findings, forget about browsers incompatibilities and enjoy.
Details Broderbund
Find CD, DVD, XP, and downloadable family, school, and business brands you know and trust.
The industry leader in gamification. Implementing game mechanics, businesses can engage users and increase customer loyalty and time spent on site.
Details Business Software Alliance
Business Software Alliance, Promoting A Safe & Legal Digital World.
Details Cavium: Intelligent Networks Powered by Octeon & Nitrox
Cavium (NASDAQ: CAVM) is a provider of highly integrated semiconductor processors that enable intelligent networking, communications, storage, video and security applications.
Details Cerious Software
Create Thumbnails! ThumbsPlus is the most effective, elegant and inexpensive way to locate, view, edit, print and organize your images, metafiles and fonts on Windows 2000/NT/ME/98/95.
Details Checkout Software - Buy Software At Discount Prices
Cheap and reliable source of software in the US. Save yourself money on the latest products from top brands including Microsoft, Adobe, McAfee, Norton and many more.
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See Also: Business Software Software Downloads & Scripts