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PC Tattletale - Parental Control Software  
PC Tattletale Internet monitoring software records everything your child does on-line. Captures all chat, email, web sites visited, screen shots and more. Does not interfere with normal browsing & won't slow down your PC. Download a free trial copy.

PC-Doctor, Inc.  
A leading developer of PC diagnostics and system information software, provides diagnostic software to OEM PC manufacturers and service & support professionals. PC-Doctor is an indispensable PC diagnostics utility for Windows, NT, and DOS.

PDF Converter - Online PDF Conversion Software  
PDF conversion news and articles. Free pdf conversion in a matter of seconds, emailed to you.

PDF File - PDF Converter Software  
Convert PDF files with option of word to PDF, PDF to word converter and work as PDF writer, edit pdf files.

PGRS - National Association of Letter Carriers  
eSteward has all grievance research resources for National Association of Letter Carriers stewards.

PMG Software  
Demand for this innovative, easy-to-use, and easy-to-deploy software continues to grow as use has become mainstream.

PreEmptive Solutions - .NET and Java Obfuscators  
Provider of Obfuscators, Compactors and Watermarkers for .NET and Java. Its solutions protect programs against reverse engineering while making them smaller and increasingly efficient.

Pro Data Doctor - Installer Software  
Provide windows installer software to assemble and packs both install and uninstall program into a single executable file.

Progress Software Corporation  
A global supplier of software products & services for developing, deploying and managing business applications moving to the Internet.

QAS - Tracing & Debt Recovery Software  
Business verification and data enhancement solutions from leading specialists. Offers data integrity and cleansing tools.

QaTraq Software - Test Case Management Tool  
QaTraq is a test case management tool, providing a solid foundation for test teams to create and update test scripts, test cases and test results. QaTraq is freely available as Open Source Software.

Solve all your Internet sharing hassles and worries. WinGate Proxy Server takes the angst out of getting your network connected to the Internet, and protecting it when you get there.

QNX Software Systems  
Reliable Realtime operating system (RTOS) and Productive Development Tools for Embedded Systems.

Quick PDF to Word - PDF to Word  
PDF converter software. Convert PDF to Word, Word to PDF with smart and reliable PDF conversion software. Quick PDF to word provides you tools for quick and accurate PDF to word and word to PDF conversion. Download PDF converter free trial now.

Raxco Defrag Software  
Offers reliable software for windows optimization, disk defragmentation and system utilities that produce increased PC performance by cleaning up critical areas of your hard drive, system files and operating system.

Rocket Software  
Provides terminal emulation, legacy web enablement, web services integration and emulator replacement products.

ScoutForce - College Recruiting Software  
Online college athletics recruiting software for tracking student athletes, logging phone calls and generating reports.

Sector Software - UK Based Software House  
Sector Software are a UK based software house whose main product is Touch Typist, a typing tutor for business or educational customers. We also provide bespoke software, IT training, website design and other services.

SkyTouch Technology  
Our high-tech solutions for hotels provide award-winning project management systems and niche cloud computing services for nationwide companies of all sizes.

Snowbound Software  
Develops technology for viewing, converting, and manipulating images and documents, including web viewers, imaging SDKs, and batch conversion applications.

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