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SuperKids Educational Software Review  
Provides educational resources for parents, teachers, and kids, including impartial reviews of children's software, math worksheets and vocabulary builders.

Survey Software Services  
Key Survey provides online survey software solutions and professional research services to business. We provide our customers with immediate online survey capability at a reasonable cost and offer them the option to outsource their projects.

Synapse Audio - Music Software  
Makers of Orion and various VST and DirectX instruments. Screenshots, support and download area. This music production software is for Windows and Mac OS.

Techinline Remote Desktop  
Techinline lets you instantly access and control a remote computer over the Internet, across firewalls and proxies, using any browser. With Techinline you can view, diagnose and rapidly solve your customers problems from anywhere in the world.

TestedOK Skills Testing Software  
Developers of skills testing software which include typing and data entry keying tests, keyboarding skills assessment packages and math for kids. We also offer two database products for bug tracking and idea logging.
Details - SaaS Based Text Analytics Tool  
Our Saas based customizable text analytics product provides accurate insights by processing raw text data using NLP, Ai and DL algorithms. It effectively solves challenges with text extraction and summarization and enhances customer experience.

UChat Messenger - Safe Instant Messaging Chat App  
UChat messenger provide free, safe and simple instant messaging & chat service. UChat app includes text chat, voice chat, video chat, friend circle, short video and e-wallet.

USBlyzer - USB Data Sniffer and USB Protocol Analyzer  
USBlyzer is an easy to use USB Protocol Sniffer and Analyzer for Windows, which provides a complete yet simple to understand view for analyzing USB Host Controllers, USB Hubs and USB Devices activity.

VEDIT - The Universal File Editor  
VEDIT quickly edits, translates and sorts any text, data, binary (Hex) or EBCDIC file; even 100+ gigabytes.

Video Zilla - Video Converter Software  
A complete video conversion tool for video files AVI, MPEG, RM, ASF, and WMV via a right-click menu on the selected video files.

Wingpath Software Development  
Software products for the Modbus protocol and custom software development in Java and C/C++ for Linux and Unix.

Conversational technology that absorbs and analyzes billions of conversations, giving you unrivalled business intelligence to win.

WRQ Terminal Emulation & Web Services Software  
Extend host applications using web services, Reflection terminal emulation software (including support for tn3270 and tn5250), and Verastream web-to-host integration software.

XLSTAT Friedman Test  
This tutorial walks you through the set up and interpretation of a Friedman non parametric test in the statistical software XLSTAT.

YouTube Downloader  
YouTube Downloader is free software that enables you to download your favorite videos from sites like YouTube, Vimeo and many others. You can also convert these videos into multiple formats, so you can watch them through iTunes or Windows Media Player.

YTD YouTube Converter & Downloader  
The YTD Converter/Downloader is software that allows you to download videos from YouTube and many other sites, and allows you to convert these videos into multiple formats and open on common players such as Windows Media Player.

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