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Payweb - Canada Online Payroll Services  
Canada's online payroll service, you can be confident that your payroll is secure, accurate and on time every payday. Request a free, no obligation quote today.

ProSoft Solutions  
We offer an easy way to enter, track and approve timesheet data for the Sage MIP Payroll Module. This innovative software collects employee timesheet data from employees and automatically routes it through a multi levels.

Qtac Payroll Software Free  
Check out Qtac's online payroll software and take our free trial. With many extra features to help you quickly deal with the payroll, you'll find Qtac is a leading developer that offers unparamounted levels of customer support and care.

Simplepay - Payroll for Canadian Businesses  
Online payroll application for Canadian businesses that process payroll. Calculate CPP, EI, Federal Tax, Provincial Tax and other CRA deductions.

Software Solutions - Sage Accounting Software Resellers  
An IT software outsourcing company based in Dubai offering a range of quality web site hosting services and solutions designed to suit your website needs.

Sure Payroll - Payroll Services  
Payroll services for small business. Online payroll software and free tax calculators make payroll management easy. Get a free price quote for your small business payroll here.

The Payroll Dept - Outsourced Payroll Services   
Providers of outsourced payroll services to companies in the UK. Managed by payroll specialists who understand the complexities of UK payroll.

Umbrella Company  
We provide a nationwide Umbrella Service so you can engage sub-contractors without falling short of employments laws. We fulfil all employee duties in a professional and timely manner.

Willow Pay  
Providing payroll services and auto enrolment support to a range of businesses in Richmond, Surrey area and it's been successfully operating for over 30 years.

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