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Science Daily |
Breaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs and evolution.
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Abacus Biotech Limited Updated
We provide direction to research and technology development and venture to bridge the gap between scientific discovery and business creation.
Details Ai Scientific
Pre-analysis automation for pathology, industrial and environmental laboratories.
Details Aquacoustic Remote Technologies Updated
Inspection of underwater structures such as trunk sewers, hydro dams, reservoirs, ports, and bridge abutments.
Details British Oceanographic Data Centre
A national facility for preserving and distributing oceanographic and marine data. Staff have direct experience of marine data collection and analysis and ensure that the oceanographic data handled are documented and stored for current and future use.
Details BuildingGreen, Inc.
Publishers of Environmental Building News and of other information resources for practitioners of sustainable design.
Details D-Opto
Longterm optical dissolved oxygen sensors for environmental and scientific research.
Details E-The Environmental Magazine
Environment award winning publication E is the environmental and ecology magazine for current environmental articles, news, issues and updates for the ecology and environment concerned consumers and professionals. Non-profit organization for environmental
Details Earth Research
Earth sciences research services, geology, gis, and environmental geography, including data searches, data analysis and statistics, scientific writing and editing, research assistance.
Details EcoJobs
500+ environmental jobs in environmental policy, advocacy, conservation, science, engineering and education.
Details Environmental Jobs Network
We aim to provide the best possible service to job seekers and employers around Australia.
Details Environmental News Network
Award winning producer of environmental news. ENN offers a variety of online services including daily feature stories, a free press release service, environmental news published throughout the day seven days per week, live chats with top environmental aut
Details Fisher Scientific
Lab equipment and instruments, supplies for life science and research, healthcare and science education.
Details GBC Scientific Equipment
Is a major manufacturer of analytical instruments including atomic absorption (AA) and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometers, UV-Visible spectrophotometers, ICP-MS and HPLC systems.
Details Ionpure
Manufacturer of electrodeionization components provides a product catalog, documentation, training, explanation of services, a knowledgebase, and examples of applications for their products.
Details Natural Science
Invites articles by scientists who wish to communicate their work and ideas to a scientifically informed non-specialist audience.
Details New Zealand Medical and Scientific
Committed to Science and Healthcare in New Zealand. We sell, market and service a wide range of Scientific, Medical, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical products.
Details Northwest Science
England's Northwest will be renowned as an area of world-class scientific achievement, creating a magnet for talent and science investment, a powerful driver for innovation and enterprise delivering benefits to health, the environment and society.
Details PASCO Scientific
Provides physics equipment/apparatus, probeware, dataloggers, interfaces, sensors and education software to science teachers worldwide. PASCO has 39 years of experience engaging students in hands-on science exploration while delivering on state and federa
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