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The Australian Psychological Society
We are the peak body for psychologists in Australia and represent over 25000 members. We advocate for the profession of psychology, and provide benefits to support members.

Confinement Nanny Singapore
NannySOS is the leading Singapore confinement lady agency providing confinement nanny services and work permit application. Other services include confinement food catering and babysitting services.

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Aurora Public Library  
Established in 1881, The Aurora Public Library has grown to serve a diverse community of more than 170,000 people, providing materials, information, programs, exhibitions, services and educational opportunities in a wide variety of formats.

British Association of Social Workers  Updated
BASW is the largest association representing social work and social workers in the UK. Whether you are qualified or not, experienced, or just entering the profession, we're here to help, support, advise and campaign on your behalf.

Learn about what The Coca-Cola Company is doing to protect the environment and support local communities where we operate.

At Domini Social Investments we are dedicated to helping you meet your financial goals. But we believe there is more to investing than that.

Empowerment Resources  
Offers Tools for Personal Growth, Social Change, and Ecology, including over 600 links, over 500 books at, and green goods and shop bots and other tools to find the lowest prices on the Internet. Knowledge is power. Empower the people

Feng Shui Fortunes  
Feng shui consultant offering private consultations, horoscope readings and related products. Corporate strategies and certified training courses also available.

Fun Social Studies  
Social studies for kids covering all areas of the curriculum in a fun way.

Getting Out By Going In  
Dedicated to education and empowerment of incarcerated men, women and children. Celebrating and supporting their successes, we help inmates help themselves.

Good Money  
For the Social Investor, Consumer, and Business. Complete Internet Resources for Socially, Ethically, Environmentally Responsible Investing.

IDEA Journal  
Dedicated to serious analysis and study of issues relating to holocaust, genocide, mass murder, mind control and the abuse of power.

Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA  
Founded in 1854 the Y, serving the Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware counties, offers a wide range of programs for youth, teens, adults and seniors at our 10 regional branch locations.

Public Speaking Advice  
Public speaking articles, tips, and book reviews plus links to speeches related web sites.

Queen Rania Al Abdullah  
The official site of Queen Rania. Features news and recent events including speech archive, press room and Queen Rania biography.

Social Anxiety  
Berent Associates provides social anxiety disorder information on the various phobias including public speaking phobia, learning disability, panic attack, shyness, performance skills and selective mutismas.

Social Anxiety Support  
This on-line support group provides interactive forums and special programs to help those who suffer from social anxiety disorder (social phobia).

Social Graces  
Manners and Etiquette from one of the nation's top experts. Shawna Schuh, speaker specializing in business etiquette, image, graciousness and social skills.

Social Marketing  
Social marketing information and resources from Weinreich Communications.

Social Science Research Network  
Leading Social Science Research Delivered To Your DeskTop Daily. Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the

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