Waterlogic |
Supplies homes and offices with the most high tech and earth friendly water coolers on the market. Find the water cooler that fits your needs.
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AlFrex Water Purifier - Water Dispenser Singapore Updated
AlFrex Water Purifier Specialist offers the widest range of water dispensers and filtration systems for homes, offices and factories in Singapore.
Details www.alfrexwater.com.sg Avalon Water Coolers Updated
Seller and manufacturer of bottleless water cooler dispensers. Each hydration machine is built with the highest quality and intuitive design giving you effortless hydration.
Details www.avalonh2o.com B & B Distributors - Ice Machine Distributors
Offers the full line of high quality Manitowoc food service products as well as CUNO water filtration systems. We can meet any wholesale or individual ice machine, beverage system, or water filtration need.
Details www.b-bdist.com Big Blue Water Coolers
New Zealand's leading water cooler company for both office water coolers and home water options. They have a wide range of solutions including bottled water delivery, plumbed in water coolers, fill your own and under bench systems.
Details www.bigblue.co.nz Connect Water Coolers
Leading UK supplier of mains filtered water coolers, drinking water fountains and hot water machines for offices, schools, hospitals and industry.
Details www.connectwatercoolers.com CooledWater
We offer a range of fixed price water packages designed to meet virtually any requirement. Delivered directly to offices and organizations across the UK, our water coolers provide instant refreshment at affordable fixed low prices.
Details www.cooledwater.com Crystal Clear Products
Providers of bottled water and water cooler dispensers for the home or office. In addition we manufacture and supply purified water for use in medical environments such as dental surgeries.
Details www.pure-watercoolers.co.uk GetMeWater Bottled Water Coolers
Office water coolers and bottled water delivery across the UK.
Details www.getmewater.com Halsey Taylor - ADA Compliant Drinking Fountains
Specification sheets and information on drinking fountains and ADA compliant water coolers. Also a searchable sales and service representative database.
Details www.halseytaylor.com Haws Corporation - Haws Drinking Fountain
Provider of drinking fountains. Haws also provides emergency equipment such as eyewash stations, facewash stations, emergency and safety shower.
Details www.hawsco.com Home 2 Office Water Coolers
An independent water cooler company in Liverpool - specialising in the supply of natural bottled mineral water, first class bottled water coolers and plumbed in mains fed water coolers.
Details www.home2officewatercoolers.co.uk Larco - Electric Drinking Water Coolers
Better than Bottled Water...Larco Drinking Water Coolers with the TasteMaster filter provides spring fresh water on tap.
Details www.larcoinc.com Living-Water Ltd - Water Coolers & Water Delivery
As London's leading water cooler rental company for the last 10 years, you can be assured of Living-Water's excellent service levels and uncompromising commitment to quality.
Details www.living-water.co.uk Office Water Coolers
We offer a wide range of stylish water coolers, including bottled and mains filtration watercoolers. With our pure water bottled at source, we guarantee quality and a refreshing taste for every palate.
Details www.office-coolers.com Pere Ocean
A mineral water supplier in KL, Malaysia, delivering office water dispenser, fountain water cooler, point of use dispenser, or bottled water coolers in KL.
Details www.pereocean.com.my PRIMO - Water Coolers, Pumps and Bottled Water
Water cooler company that offers great water solutions. Using our extensive experience across Europe we have developed a leading range of water dispensers, water coolers, and water pumps, now available for you to purchase online.
Details waterdispensers-primo.co.uk PureWater Dynamics - Water Cooler Dispensers
Installs and maintains water cooler dispensers, industrial filtration systems, reverse osmosis (RO) and purification for autoclave steam in Colorado businesses.
Details www.purewaterdynamics.com Water-Splash Water Coolers
Offering cost effective water systems and solutions for you, your staff and your guests, with full installation and backed up with regular servicing and sanitisation and which can be purchased or rented.
Details www.water-splash.co.uk
See Also: Home Water Filters Water Refrigeration