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A real-time embedded Web server designed for high quality industrial applications in need of real time update of the user interface. Barracuda eliminates HTTP polling and awkward solutions such as using SMTP for sending asynchronous alarm notifications.
Details: The Barracuda platform makes HTTP more useful for devices by providing a full duplex persistent asynchronous protocol stack on top of HTTP. The full duplex persistent asynchronous protocol stack, called the EventHandler, makes it possible for browsers and non browser clients to send messages and receive messages from multiple devices at any time.
Since the EventHandler sits on top of HTTP, applications using the EventHandler have the same benefits as regular HTTP clients, including the ability to bypass proxies and firewalls. Client applications using the EventHandler can simultaneously control and supervise multiple devices in real-time.
A client can either be a browser based Dynamic HTML (DHTML) application or a Java program. A DHTML application can remotely receive up to 50 messages a second from the server and a Java application can receive up to 200 messages a second from the server.
URL: www.barracudaserver.com
Category: Software Applications
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