Offers servicing of PCs, laptops, trouble shooting for networking devices, printers, scanners, digital cameras, networking problems on Internet and email, and installing popular software, virus clean-up and anti-spy ware.
Details: A home PC network user, living in America finds it extremely difficult to reach out for
good quality tech support in time of need. SupportMinds is a completely new approach to bridging this gap.
There are convenient and economical subscription packages ranging from incident-based to annual. SupportMinds engineers are available all round the clock to offer technical support to their growing customer base - reach is through their website at or calling a toll-free number 1 877 438 9111. Support is given through telephone or through remotely accessing the customers PC.
SupportMinds is developed and managed by SlashSupport Inc, a dedicated tech support company handling more than 15 million tech resolutions each year.
Category: Technical Support