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Golf Tournament HIO - Hole in One Insurance
A leading provider of golf tournament hole in one insurance. All prizes are 100% protected by AIG the worlds most trusted insurance company.

Details: When you consider the different companies that you can use when looking to purchase your Hole in One insurance for your golf tournament, the single most important question that you should ask yourself is if we have a hole in one occur at our event, will we get paid?

At Golf Tournament HIO, we take our responsibility very seriously, which is that we exist to help you create a charity fundraiser and corporate golf events. With that in mind, our choice for an insurance provider was very simple.
American International Group, Inc. (AIG) to make sure that you are properly covered. Whether you look to insure a car on a sponsor hole, a cash prize during your putting contest or a $1 million shootout.

At Golf Tournament HIO, we cover your event from the very first dollar through our master policy with AIG. We can provide to you, upon your request, a copy of our certificate of insurance coverage for policy number 366-9566 through AIG. Every Hole in One insurance provider should be able to provide you with adequate guarantee that you are getting the actual protection that you are paying for. If you are not able to get a copy of this certificate, you are gambling that your golf tournament may not be adequately covered.


Category: Golf & Equipment
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