Two hundred plus original free articles on self-realization, transformation tools, kundalini awakening, sungazing testimonials and spiritual poetry, coming from author's own self-healing journey.
Details: My main area of expertise is giving knowledge of healing and the steps of awareness, of which I feel they are two sides of the same coin. I feel that all diseases can be cured if one knows how to use the tools that one innately has, is given information why it is so and then uses the tools in a consistent daily manner. On my website, I have many free tools and articles, on various topics, including: what is awareness, what is the personality, what causes disease, how to heal your body, how to do energy healing, what is healing, information about kundalini awakening and transformation, sungazing, emotional, mental health and energy healing tools - to name a few. My second area of expertise is giving reiki remote (long distance) and hands on energy healings as well as teaching others how to do it.
Category: Spiritual & New Age