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Ictect - Intelligent Content PlugIn
Intelligent Content Plug-In (icPlugIn) is a patented plug-in to Microsoft Word that provides automated XML tagging of documents.

Details: Intelligent Content Plug-In

Intelligent Content Plug-In (icPlugIn) is a powerful patented plug-in to Microsoft Word that provides for automated XML tagging of documents from various formats to XML without programming. icPlugIn supports any file formats that can be opened in Microsoft Word, such as DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTML and various other formats. icPlugIn supports tagging with any DTD or Schema including Docbook, DITA, IETM or custom schemas.

Intelligent Content Plug-In is designed for non-technical users. It has been used in a variety of applications including editorial, contracts, scientific and technical publications and web content. icPlugIn is used in commercial as well as government environments. It has the certificate of compliance from the US Air Force.

icPlugIn is available from Ictect, Inc. For details, please visit or call 262-898-7568.

Patent and Trademark information:
- icPlugIn is protected under the US Patent Number 7,251,777 “Method and system for automated structuring of textual documents”.
- Microsoft and Word are registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- Ictect is a registered trademark of Ictect, Inc.


Category: Software Applications
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