A unique and revolutionary bioinformatics software for manual and automatic DNA sequence assembly, sequence analysis, automatic sample processing, contig editing, metadata integration, file format conversion and mutation detection.
Details: With DNA Baser Sequence Assembler, you can also:
- Assemble multiple DNA samples or align to a reference sequence
- Batch assemble or align groups of sequences by name (it will automatically recognize sequence pairs)
- Import and analyze sequences from ABI, SCF, FASTA, SEQ, TXT, GBK
- View and edit sequence traces
- Mark specific regions (like discrepancies, low-quality areas in chromatograms) with visible colors and quickly navigate to these regions
- Convert between different file formats (ABI, SCF, SEQ, FASTA, multi-FASTA, GBK...)
- Automatically integrate metadata in all your contigs
- Automatically detect and remove vectors
URL: www.dnabaser.com
Category: Biotechnology