Professional engineering/consulting firm specializing in environmental asessments and remediation of Brownfield sites in Illinois and the Midwestern United States. Located in the Chicago, Illinois area.
Details: Schrack Environmental Consulting, Inc. (SECI) is a professional environmental assessment / engineering / consulting firm specializing in Environmental Assessments and remediation of Brownfield sites in Illinois and the Midwestern United States.
Over the past twenty years, SECI has completed over 500 Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments of industrial and commercial properties for lending institutions, real estate development companies and manufacturing facilities. SECI's environmental engineers have successfully remediated over 150 Brownfield sites obtaining closure letters from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's Voluntary Site Remediation Program.
SECI has evaluated and remediated environmental site concerns ranging from a former nike missile base, a low level radioactive site, a steel mill, a former Schwin bicycle plant, the former Journal of the American Medical Association printing facility, automobile salvage yards, paint manufacturing facilities, dry cleaning facilities and numerous gasoline service stations.
URL: www.schrackenvironmental.com
Category: Environmental Consultants
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