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EHC Electric Radiators
Acknowledged leaders in the electric heating and hot water industry. We offer a wide range of wet and dry heating systems and instantaneous and stored water heaters.

Details: EHC are acknowledged leaders in the electric heating and hot water industry. We offer a wide range of wet and dry heating systems and instantaneous and stored water heaters.

Electric Combination Radiators
They look like a conventional “wet” system radiator, heat up and operate like “wet” system radiators and all without the requirement of a central heating boiler. The range has been developed to accommodate the smallest easy-to-heat room to the larger hard-to-heat room. All electric radiators can simply be plugged into a standard domestic wall socket however for a fully controllable central heating system they can be spur wired into your existing storage heating sockets and the wiring taken back to a unique Electric Heating Company Control Box.


Category: Air Conditioning & Heating
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