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Dr. Sergey Kalitenko
Dr.Sergey Kalitenko has been helping patients throughout a distinguished career, first as an emergency care physician and then as a head of Hyperbaric Department at highly respected Ukrainian hospitals and in the U.S. teaching hospital.

Details: Upon moving to the United States, Dr. Kalitenko finished his medical residency at Coney Island Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, was Board Certified in Internal Medicine, and became a staff physician at a teaching hospital to care for in patients and out patients. He heard many stories from patients about the failings of traditional medicine. Many felt they weren't treated as people, but as a collection of symptoms. And doctors didn't always bother to find the cause of those symptoms. They just dashed off a prescription for pills, and sent patients on their way.

Dr. Kalitenko opened his private practice in 2001 while continuing with his hospital duties. His successful practice is based on the principles of holistic, functional and anti-aging medicine that he studied as a result of his own illness. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a keystone of his practice.


Category: Health
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