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Driversnote - Mileage Tracker App
Driversnote is a mileage tracker for reimbursement and tax deduction purposes. Users can log past trips and track them in real-time, classify trips, and create tax-compliant reports for their mileage claim.

Details: Driversnote helps users log their mileage for reimbursement and tax deduction purposes. Users can log trips and record them in real-time, classify trips, and create tax-compliant reports ready to hand over. Driversnote has a mobile app (for Android and iPhone) and a website. The mobile app lets users track mileage in real-time and have their logbook at hand whenever they need it, while the website makes it easier to review past trips and edit them. Driversnote also offers a Team solution, packed with useful features for small and big businesses alike.


Category: Vehicle Tracking
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