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Fourwalls - Home Shopping Resource
If you are looking to buy anything for your home by shopping online then this is the site for you! Featured areas include the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom.

Details: is the brainchild of two avid DIY fans, Tim Smith and Tricia Newell, who got fed up trawling the high street for those 'little extras', only to land up time and again in John Lewis.

Tim and Tricia started to compile a database of online retailers and the idea for fourwalls was born - the first ever home decorating portal that only lists online retailers.

Key areas to target were the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, appliances, garden, financial services and home delivery shopping. is a passionate supporter of e-commerce. Its policy of only listing active e-tailers is key. Fourwalls knows that with over 5 billion pages on the web, there's nothing more frustrating than thinking you've found what you're looking for, only to find the site is little more than an online brochure.


Category: Kitchens & Bathrooms
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